Sunday, May 21, 2006

cold weather, cold hearts, cold hands, cold everything

It's hard to believe this blog is a week old. It's been a tumultuous week for a lot of people, I think. It's sunday once again, and my dog made a play for my cup of tea this morning when I went to sit on the back stairs with her :-)

Seems she drank all her water yesterday or last night, because she was thirsty enough this morning to try out a hot cup of tea. Needless to say, I filled her water bucket up in preference to sharing my morning cuppa. That said, my parents had a dog when I was growing up, who was forever drinking my sister's cup of tea before she ever got to it. She'd put it on the floor near the foot of the chair, and then when she was ready to drink it (she always let it get to lukewarm before drinking it), she'd reach down, only to find half of it gone! The dog had had his fill first. The same dog used to climb up into Mum's lap while she was trying to do a crossword, and while that was okay when he was a little puppy, when he was a full grown dog, there just really wasn't that much room in the chair for both her and him! And he used to hog my sister's chair. There'd be this mad dash for the chair every night after dinner. More often than not, the dog got there first, and my sister would have to sit on the couch with me and the other dog.

My house is cold this morning. Timber floors are great in summer, but not so great in winter, unfortunately. Anyway, washing to do.

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