Thursday, May 18, 2006

weather once again....boring I know :-)

Back to the weather chat again it seems. Today was the first day I had to wear long sleeves, so I'm guessing Autumn is pretty much over, and Winter is pretty much here. Normally we get a longer Autumn than a week or two, but hey. Autumn really officially goes for exactly 3 months here in the fantastic land of OZ, and starts on the first day of the month, unlike the rest of the world, it seems.

Anyway, enough of the weather. I just got back from a nice little walk (sans dog), decided my leg hurt too much today - those that know me know I had a bad accident a few years ago and hurt my leg pretty badly and bruised pretty much the rest of me awfully. I think my body is turning into a weather forcaster all its own though. I always know when the weather is going to change, I feel it in my bones :-)

It's been suggested to me that I talk too much. Really? Never would've guessed THAT one! But if you think I'm bad, you should see me at a family get-together with my mum, grandma, sister and aunts! There's no stopping any of us! I was always brought up with the belief that good family is one that can interrupt, talk over the top, and not offend. If it's all polite and "may I say something please?" then it's very distant and not much fun. I like a spirited discussion as much as the next person. I don't like being made fun of, or being made the butt of all jokes, however. But maybe that's just me. I've also been told I am very bossy. I decline to comment. I will say, however, that I'm no pushover, and I have my opinions.

Anyway, stuff to do, people to talk to :-)


Anonymous said...

I was here......Gladys

Anonymous said...

Talking too much isn't such a bad fault!