Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A blog for my sister....

My sister pointed out recently that I haven't updated my blog in a fair while. So I'm trying to rectify that currently :-)

I'm pretty much over my flu, however it seems my boyfriend now has it. Oh well. I guess Mum and Dad taught me to share a little too well.....

I've been fairly busy of late. I'd forgotten what fun having someone new in my life was. We're in the early stages - you know, the soppy stuff. The first shopping expedition, the first outing, the first time meeting each other's friends, that kind of thing. Both of us have yet to do the meeting of each other's family members though. That'll be fun!

We actually went to a party on Saturday night. It reminded me why I don't go OUT much these days. One, drinks cost far too much - even if you only have one. Two, the music is generally too loud (or am I just getting old?). Three, having rocks pelted at the train window on the way home was SOOO not fun. Four, getting home around 1am reminded me I really AM getting old. Five, getting home around 1am on a cold winter's night drove the OLD point sorely home. Blah...

That said, I enjoyed meeting his friends, and actually getting out of the house and away from my manic velcro kittens, as well as Mr Vampire Teeth, and She Who Must Be Obeyed or she'll rip the furniture to shreds, plus Droppy Dog, the dalmatian, and my sweet wheeking little guinea pig.

His friends seem to be great people. I just hope he likes my friends as much! :-)

So what else have I been up to (since I promised my sister that my blogs wouldn't become a soppy romance novel about my relationship with my boyfriend)?

Let's see:

1. It's still winter, so it's still cold. The Westerly Winds were around for a bit today. Made it rather nippy.

2. Been waging war on the dust bunnies in my house. I think they are planning to attack sometime soon.

3. I temporarily repaired my boyfriend's computer, though I'm going to rebuild it when he lets me, or when it dies completely - whichever comes first. (And maybe steal his super duper nice and wonderful video card that his computer can't support, and replace it with my old one that it can support....umm...probably shouldn't actually admit to that here, huh?) :-)

4. Moving furniture around and rearranging my house. Also chucking heaps and heaps of stuff out.

5. Watching the newest Dr Who episodes, and enjoying watching my boyfriend get into a little huff every time I go "mmmm....David Tennant is SOOOOOO yummy......." :-)

6. Playing Bejeweled 2 Deluxe, Collapse 2, and Zuma Deluxe.

7. Burning the contents of my hard drives off onto dvds and cds.

8. Watching dvds with my boyfriend.

9. Playing games on my bf's X-Box. Weeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! What fun that was! :-) Never even seen an X-Box before.

10. Preparing to go on a little trip this weekend, to meet more friends of my bf.

11. Making arrangements to see my sister sometime soon so she can tell me what she thinks of my choice in men :-)

You know....the usual.....

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