Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Cybermen, Daleks, and gorgeous Doctors.....

It's early and I'm having my second cup of coffee in an attempt to actually wake up before I make a dash for the train to go visit my sick-with-the-flu boyfriend.

I was thinking last night about how the Winter's sky in Australia can be so beautiful. It gets a really really deep blue colour, almost like the colour of the sea, and there's something rather calming about it all.

And last night, I dreamt of Cybermen and Daleks. I've been watching season 2 of the new Dr Who, and the new-improved Cybermen are there to be seen. These guys are scary as shit.

I think perhaps my cats were knocking at my bedroom door last night or something, as I kept having nightmares that Cybermen were trying to break down my door and get at me :-)

I'm really impressed with the new Dr Who show though. I was always a fan of the old one, so I was a fair bit wary at the thought of a 21st century version of an old classic, but the BBC stuck to its guns and stayed on track, and created a show to be proud of.

And I know I'd certainly love to see a blue telephone box turn up outside and a gorgeous Dr come for a "spot of tea"....*ahem*....

Anyway, stuff to do.


Anonymous said...

Thank you! Keep on blogging.

wunderlust said...

Hi Michelle,

Just felt like a change and all that. Plus it was early, and I was a bit rushed, and I like the urgency that a post all in italics lends to things...