Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year's Resolutions - updates the second

Well I have been busy at the very least.

I brought up some clothes for my sister the other day, with more to come, plus some dvds as I had doubles of them it turns out. There will be more going to various homes as I get sufficient to do so.

Family have been spoken to along the lines of "it is time for me to stop putting you first and start putting me first". I think they understand.

I went for a walk into town yesterday as I am back up at Mum's again to go see part three of the Hobbit. The new Riverwalk is much more sturdy than the one that washed away in the 2011 floods, and I enjoyed being able to walk all the way from New Farm, where it starts, into Eagle Street, where it stops. Takes about 20-30 minutes to do so; not really a very long walk, but you get a good view of the river in the process. It also helps on the purse if you aren't having to pay for public transport. I did the return walk as well, more to prove to myself that I could, really.

I'm doing a great deal of walking at the moment as it helps to clear my head, plus it is good for getting fit.

Still working through my piles of possessions, and depositing things on people, rather like some demented Santa who's got his dates wrong, but ho hum.

More updates when there is more to say.


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed and it's not even the new year yet!!!
Look forward to further instalments.

wunderlust said...

Thank you. I'm trying. Will blog again soon :-)