Wednesday, December 24, 2014

New Year's Resolutions - updates the first

As promised, I'm doing updates on how my New Year's Resolutions are going.

1. Cleaning out clothes and shoes:

Half way there. Got a pile of things for my sister, a couple of boxes of stuff I want to keep that either fits now, or is so close to fitting it is only a week or two away, and bags of things to be taken to the second hand shop. I plan on having no more than three or four small packing boxes of clothes, which will be gone through again as time goes on. At the moment, it is set up as - one box of really good, one box of round the house (which is the first stuff to be ditched in the future), one box of "nice" stuff, and one box of "not sure about".

2. I've yet to start on the kitchenware. As there is stuff still at my old house that belongs to sets I have here, it is best if I give them away as a set and not as bits and pieces, so this NYR will have to wait for a bit.

3. Kids books - I found a bunch of Little Golden Books that will be very much appreciated, as well as various other early reader type books and general story books. I know there are more, and as they are found, they will be parcelled up for the twins recently born.

4. Cook Books - started this today. Had a look through my books and realised there might be one or two recipes I wouldn't mind a copy of, so I will deal with that first, then box up what is left. I plan on having no more than 10 books left (I have quite a few).

5. Selling books - this needs to wait until I have completed a lot of the others as I have no room to sort just now, but I will likely be taking the first batch of doubles and such up to Brisbane next week to see what my friend at the second hand bookshop is willing to give me for them.

6. I will try ringing Foxtel on Friday, if they are open. The box will come with me next week either way for disposal or pickup.

7. Mobile phone - I will also try ringing them on Friday to see what they say.

8. Weight issues - I weighed in today and surprised myself that I weigh less than the last time I weighed myself a few months ago, so perhaps the walking is helping, as is the diet. I have dropped my sugar in cuppas down from 1 teaspoon to 1/2 teaspoon however, with the hope of ditching the sugar altogether in the near future.

9. My old place - Dad is set to take me up there in January, and get it emptied, cleaned, fix the bits that need fixing, and then start the process of putting it on the market.

10. Had words with my family again today. I *hope* everyone understands I am serious about this, and it isn't just a NYR that won't be kept. 

11. Subscriptions - been getting emails back from companies whose products I subscribe to, and things are getting sorted. Despite it being Christmas.

More updates to come in a day or two.

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