Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bookishness should not be thought of as a crime....

I'm in the process of moving house at the moment. Partly it's because my health isn't so great these days, with longer and longer bouts of illness happening, and partly it's because I'm struggling to keep up with all the little things that need to be done on a house, like gardening, and keeping the gutters clean, getting things fixed when they break, etc.

So I'm moving down to Dad's place. He's got farm animals and everything! It's a totally different kind of lifestyle down there, and much MUCH better than where I am moving from in a lot of ways. I will miss the ability to walk out my front door and onto a train or bus, or up to the shops, but I won't miss the annoying teenagers whose idea of a fun Friday-Sunday night/s is to smash up everyone's mail box, break the fences, and scream foul language and abuse at each other, the dogs in the street, anyone else they come across, cars going down the road, etc.

But anyway.....I've decided, in order to keep certain members of my family happy, and so that I can explain why I have way too many books, I am going to attempt to read each and every single book I own over the next year. I also plan on trying to watch every single DVD I own (for much the same reasons).

So here goes. Since I started this move a month ago, I have read the following books from my library:

A Hat Full of Sky
I Shall Wear Midnight

I am currently in the middle of:

The Magician's Nephew

The C.S. Lewis one is in a set of three books, that hold the whole Narnia series, the Magician's Newphew being book one of that series.

Also, I will be soon starting (I always have at least two books on the go at any one time):

Going Postal
Making Money

Being as they have yet to be packed and I found them this morning when I was pulling apart my single bed for moving down to my Dad's place.

That's me for now.....Will update when I've read more books!

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