Sunday, February 09, 2014

Various things

Firstly, I've been baking damper recently, and decided to try my hand at flavoured damper. I know that goes against the grain of being Australian, as all damper should be made traditionally, but I felt like trying something new.

So, up first we have Cheese Damper:

Second is Garlic and Herb Damper:

And the third is Rosemary & Thyme Damper:

All three are exceedingly tasty, and worked out much better than I thought they would, so I will definitely be making them again!

The next thing to happen in my little world is a bit of cat dentistry that went on last night. One of my Velcro Cats (the female one) needed to have a bit of a dental extraction as when I went out to feed my three remaining cats (the Velcro Twins and Mr Vampire Teeth), I found the girl with her gob open, madly pawing at her upper lip. Of course, I raced over to get Dad (as he's had to remove teeth on greyhounds before, so a cat shouldn't be that hard, surely?). When we got back, she'd firmly clamped her mouth shut and nothing and no-one was going to get it open again (she thought). After detaching her from the various parts of the cat enclosure that she had attached herself to, Dad and I brought her into the laundry for a bit of a looksie. With the aid of a pair of pliers, Dad was able to remove the offending tooth that was mostly hanging out of her mouth anyway. She didn't cry (she was a good girl) and no one got clawed or scratched (did I mention she was a good girl?), and when I put her back in the enclosure, the last I saw of her was when she was drinking milk!

Sorry for the bad quality picture, but my proper camera has gone walkabout, and the camera on my phone is slowly dying, but here, in all its fuzzy glory, is her little top right eye tooth:

More news - recently we've had two visitors. One was a pony from down the road who came running up the street last Sunday morning, in through our open driveway gate, and there he stayed for a couple of days before going home Monday or Tuesday night.

The other visitor is this creature:

Dad said "come and have a look at the baby chickens in their new box, oh and bring your camera". While I was looking at the pretty baby chickens born recently, he asked me to show him how to point and take a picture with my camera, which he did. He then said "have a look at the picture I just took".

I swear I very nearly dropped the phone!

There are three things in this world that I hate the most. Number one is in that picture, numbers two and three are rats and mice, in that order, with spiders not too far behind at fourth!

So that's my news for now. :-)

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