Thursday, May 20, 2010

Someone really needs to check before broadcasting.....

Beginning May 31st, we have "Cool As Clint" week, which is all about bombarding us with Clint Eastwood movies on Fox Classics, one of the channels offered on Foxtel, my pay TV provider here in Aus.

Unfortunately, though, nobody bothered to check to see if the screen shot above actually reads as "Cool As Clint" and not something far worse, before broadcasting!

Oh! For the days of proofreaders and their ilk!

Other things - there's been a series of somewhat bizarre advertisements being broadcast on the telly recently, all involving animals in some shape or other. For the most part, they've been for Bank West, one of the bigger State-run banks (in Western Australia). Each State in Aus seems to have their own bank - Bank of NSW, Bank of QLD, etc.

My favourite Bank West ads have been the flower in its pot, singing (badly), with animal onlookers, and the red squirrel ad, where he talks about squirrelling away all his nuts(!)

Given we don't actually have squirrels (let alone the British Red), it's an odd choice for selling banking to Australians, but it's terribly cute, and I like it.

But my all time favourite is the one I saw last night for Cadbury Chocolate.

If you go to this link, you can watch it in all its smoothy goodness:

(Make sure you have the sound on!).

That's me for today - got stuff to do. Toodles....

1 comment:

Ceramix said...

Ah yes... attention to detail is so important. It's just such a pity the kids who seem to run art and marketing departments these days have no idea...