Sunday, September 10, 2006

Rain Rain come this way........

We need more rain. Our dams are pretty much empty. We need a flood or two, not that I want to live through that particularly, but we definitely need the rain. Actually, I could live without the rain here, so long as it rained over the dams. That'd be good.

This morning it's raining. The weather men and women on the great god TV tell us that it will rain much of the week, which probably means it won't, because when are they ever right? I mean, honestly....

I like the rain, though. It gives me an excuse to curl up in bed with a good book and read for a few hours, or go online and just do some research, which I love to do.

I have to admit though, I know now why I changed from dial-up to broadband. At my boyfriend's place I use dial-up, and it's so incredibly slow, compared to broadband, but at least its unlimited, so I'm not complaining (much) :)

Anyway, things to do, rain to enjoy.