Thursday, November 21, 2013

"Furious riding" is against the law.....apparently

One thing I hate the most is those idiots who drive around at night at great speeds, with nary a care to anyone around them. Most of them end up dead in a ditch soon after, but I still hate the sounds of them drag-racing up and down the long stretch of road outside my house at all hours of the night.

I've been doing some genealogical work today, which has involved many (MANY) hours going through the newspaper archives for Queensland, and getting side-tracked as I am often wont to do, I came across many instances of people being arrested, fined, gaoled, or, in some cases, sent to the local insane asylum, for offences listed as "furious riding". 

This is the 1860s version of the idiots in fast cars, apparently. Silly people riding very quickly down (then unpaved) roads with no thoughts to those people within the vicinity of said speeding horse.

Some things never change, apparently.

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