Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy Australia Day!

This is the country I live in, and that I love. Today, 26th January, 2013, it is our national day - Australia Day.

In celebration of our very special day, I've been doing some baking :-)

First up, we have home made Damper, which will be eaten with Vegemite:

Add to this, we have home made Lamingtons. These originated in Ipswich, Queensland, and many a Queensland child will remember doing "Lamington Runs" for school (door to door sales to raise money for their schools). This is the first time I have ever made Lamingtons, so I wasn't sure how they would work out. They seem good though!

And last but not least....ANZAC biscuits! Normally these are made for ANZAC day (25th April), but they are Australian, and I thought it would be nice to make them :-)

Hope your day is great!


Ceramix said...

(Belated) Happy Australia Day to you!

Hope your day wasn't taken up with flood, fire or extreme heat.

wunderlust said...

My little bit of Australia appears to be under flood for the third year running now. Will it never end? After the extreme heat we've been suffering these past few weeks, now we get the floods (again). We've also had the fires.... hopefully there's nothing left now?