Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dad's Dog

This is Dad's big dog, who had the surgery yesterday. The little green arrow points to where the rib was that was causing all the hassle. You can actually see the dent in his side, where the rib curved under the others and (apparently) ended up lying against the diaphram.

This is the little blighter that was taken out of the dog yesterday. It's about three inches in length, and has an evil curve on it, plus one edge of it is razor sharp. No wonder he wasn't a very happy dog!

Dad says he's up and about today, running around (which he shouldn't be doing, but try telling a dog who's on pain meds to not run around, when they suddenly feel so great!), and acting like he's (in Dad's words) "King of the Hill".

I guess that means he's feeling much better now :-)

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