Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Things I have accomplished today :(

Sadly, the lamb died in the night, but the ewe is still with us (at the moment), although also still being transported from sheep yard to sheep yard via wheelbarrow.

We managed to worm only 4 of the sheep (one lamb, one ewe, two rams, I believe). But we discovered that at least one of the ewes is pregnant, which will mean an early lambing season for us around March/April.

I learnt I am not a very good sheepdog, having only two feet, not very sharp hearing, and the inability to NOT cry at the death of a small sweet lamb. I also cannot run very fast in gum boots (wellington boots).

But this blog today is supposed to be about things I have accomplished. So here goes:

1. I managed to pat two rams, a ewe, and a lamb.

2. The horse lets me regularly pat and handle his head and neck, but only lets Dad touch his neck (which annoys Dad somewhat as he can't understand why I am allowed but he's not).

3. I made fast and firm friends with another of Dad's greyhounds (who previously used to growl at me and shake visibly in my presence, at my presence), while letting the others come and sniff me and get used to me. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have been terrified of dogs all my life, but especially greyhounds, so volunteering to go into the puppy kennels is a big deal for me, and finding I am not frightened so much by them anymore is an even bigger accomplishment.

4. I had to step over the dead lamb to get something for Dad - not something I can normally do.

5. After the lamb episode, I went and consoled myself in the company of the dogs and the horse. Dad thinks I'm weird for doing so, but it helps....

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