Thursday, November 20, 2008

South East Queensland now also declared National Disaster Area

It's fairly late here - about 11.30pm - but at least the storms have stopped for now. Tonight was a rather odd night here in the Caboolture Shire. While my Mum down in Brisbane was having hail stones the size of golf balls descend on her from every direction, strangely enough, I was watching the fireworks over the shopping centre that signal the arrival of Santa Clause.

Around 4 or 5ish this afternoon, which, for us here in Australia, means that night is almost upon us (the sun sets around 5.30-6pm in Queensland at least, anyway), I was out talking to my neighbour with my ever-present dog, when we got a couple of rumbles of thunder, a splash of rain, and then nothing.

Later on, around 7.30ish, about half an hour after I had spoken to Mum, who informed me she had a massive storm going on all around her, I was outside sitting in my driveway, watching the fireworks to the north, while to the south of me was black thunderous clouds and loads of lightening.

I have to admit - it was odd - there were stars above me, fireworks to the north, and vicious-looking storm clouds to the south. Not something you tend to see every day of the week. Apparently we are due a day of sunshine on Friday, but are in for more severe storms again on Saturday.

After the fireworks I was back inside for less than half an hour when the storms that Mum said were heading up towards me actually arrived. Smack bang in the middle of that my phone rang and I think it might have been my tree-loppers, but I could barely hear them :-)

If it was them, then I think they are coming around lunch time Friday to chop my trees down. I guess we will see around lunch time Friday!

For those who are interested, here are some up to date (for me, anyway) news reports about tonight's storm (third storm to hit Queensland in a week):,27574,24679141-3102,00.html

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