Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Floods and flu epidemics

Poor Townsville in far North Queensland has seen a year's worth of rain in a week. Thousands of homes were flooded, dam gates opened to full to let the waters out that were at 200% of capacity.... it's feeling very much like the Brisbane and Toowoomba floods of 2011 all over again.

I feel for family and friends caught up in the floods up there. 😢
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For the history people out there (me included) this article is of interest!

When people think of the Spanish Flu, they tend to think of the Soldiers coming home from WW1, but Australia (along with most of the world) was affected by this deadly flu epidemic too. All my life I've been aware of the border points between Queensland and NSW, as well as SA and WA. Many times as a kid, when we'd go down south to visit family, we'd have to go through the checkpoints along the border - not that they were still in action (ie they weren't always manned when I was a kid), but there was also no other way to cross the border, so through the gates you went.

It's interesting to find out WHY the gates were put there!