Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's raining, it's pouring.....(you know the rest!)

Just a very brief blog entry (at 4.30am!) to say not a whole lot, but mostly because it's been all of about half a month since my last one, and I thought I should try and blog AT LEAST once a month!

Anyway, short version of my life:

1. I've been busy with this and that (work and/or study-related)

2. I've been stressy because of the rain (I should expect rain, given it's the stormy season here in Sunny Queensland where it seems to rain more than any other country on the planet, or at least, that's how it feels). It's been flooding down behind me again, and once again I've been cut off from all manner of civilisation, except what can be found online or on the telly.

3. My cats have survived almost an entire summer outside in their cat enclosure, despite one of the velcro twins having his bleeding nose thing going on again. Grrrr.

4. The mad dalmatian who I call my own, has been having "let's see who can bark the loudest at the stupidest of things, oh and in the middle of the night too" contests with the ring leader of the two Border Collies who lives next door. She eggs him on, and he says "I'll take your bet, and raise you..."

So there you go. Now I'm off to do more work and/or study...